Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wikipedia and the small donation!

Been a heavy wikipedia user for a long long time now. So it was time to give back in a small small way - a 300 buck donation.

I always loved the idea of wikipedia - their goal "Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge." isn't that far from what they have managed to achieve.

I always been a great fan & most importantly of what they have been able to achieve. Its been an inspiration of what out-of-the-box thinking can get you!

Wishing them many great years ahead!

The banner below takes you to the wikipedia donate page. Go on, give it a gentle click :)!

Support Wikipedia

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Let's Talk

Its been over one years since I wrote my last blog post on twisters a java puzzle site I started some time back. It was a lot of fun while it lasted, and I'm really sad that it had to end. All things need an end - I only wish I could have ended it on a high note - and not so arbitrarily.

This blogs a bit different on few accounts. Its a mixed blog. Of course there going to tons on Java and frameworks but also the occasional (and maybe a bit more) personal post.

The one thing I hope this blog helps me do is connect with like minded people. I want to to do more than just write about technology. I really want to connect, hear opinion, get corrected, discuss ... you get the drift.

I'm hoping to have as much fun writing this time around - as much as I had with twisters!! Maybe a lot more - after all I've learned a lot since then!

Would love to hear from you too ....